
  • Ftir Interpretation Software
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 29. 06:46

    Online SearchingFeaturesSearch DemoAboutSupportOnline SearchingFTIR and Raman spectroscopy arepowerful analytical techniques used for analysis and identification of unknown materials.Almost every molecule produces a unique spectrum that can be used as a'fingerprint' for positive identification. However, unlike a person'sfingerprint, it can also be used to infer information about the structure andfunctionality of the molecules in the unknown sample.The peaks in FTIR and Ramanspectra yield important clues about the sample. Since the locations of the peaks aredirectly related to the characteristic vibrational frequencies of specific functionalgroups (e.g., -OH, CH 3), the spectra are effectively roadmaps to classifyingthe sample. In addition, the presence or absence of particular group frequencies can yieldimportant clues about the sample's composition.Trained spectroscopists may be able to identify a pure compound or polymer simply byobserving the peaks of an infrared spectrum. However, this type of analysis is very timeconsuming. Until about 15 years ago, scientists were forced to spend hours searchingthrough books of spectra to attempt to visually match the spectra of their samples.


    Withcomputerization of spectrometers came the ability to perform rapid and reliable spectralsearching against large databases of spectra.In spectral database searching, a computer compares the spectrum to thousands ofreference spectra in a matter of seconds, in the same way that a criminologist comparesthe fingerprint of a suspect to a fingerprint database. However, in one respect, spectrallibrary searching is more powerful.

    Spectroscopy Software Free

    Not only is it possible to find exact matches, it canalso be used to find spectra of similar compounds even if the exact compound is notpresent in the database.Spectral library searching has many potential uses for all types of research andindustry. It can be used to identify or classify spectra as an aid to determining thechemical structure of new compounds. It is frequently used in law enforcement andenvironmental investigations to identify samples found at the scene (such as drugs or soilcontaminants).

    It is even used in industry to attempt to identify potential sources ofimpurities or contaminants found in the manufacturing process.Traditionally, spectral database searching required the purchase of special softwareand expensive libraries, making the costs prohibitive to many potential users.FTIRsearch.com makes a huge database of over 71,000 FTIR and almost 16,000 Raman spectraavailable to you over the Internet. What's even better, you only pay when you use it. Allyou need is a web browser and a connection to the Internet to start searching theFTIRsearch.com database.Whether you are a university researcher on a limited budget, a scientist whooccasionally needs to analyze a competitive product, or a laboratory manager who routinelyreceives spectra of unknown materials from customers, FTIRsearch.com can provide you witha cost effective, easy-to-use tool for spectral interpretation and identification. LetFTIRsearch.com do the searching work for you. If you can surf the web, you can search aspectrum!Copyright © 2001-2019 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

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